Tuesday, August 14, 2007


More pesudo-intellectual BS from Ms. Ghose. 

Some quotable quotes from her musings(Hindustan Times actually published it)

1. Soon India's jails will be choc-a-block with Muslims.

2. How can justice can be thoroughly done through the mountains of documentation, the sheer bulk of facts and contradictions, the long delayed trial and lapses in human memory that must have come faced poor Justice PD Kode

3. Indian civil society turned its back on haneef, instead vilifying the prime minister when he made the mistake of confessing he had had a sleepless night about Haneef's parents.

Now I am no right winger or a left winger. And no Rhodes Scholar like Ms. Ghose. But hey, I don't need to be one to call this what it actually is.

India's prisons choc-a-bloc with Muslims. Full marks for creativity. I think she should have gone ahead and thought of what the blood-sucking Hindu's, with the proverbial 'immune from prosecution' swagger would name the prisons(probably Lahore, Peshawar, Rawalpindi, Karachi....)

And thank goodness we have Ms. Ghose to remind us of a the serious medical situation of Mr. Kode losing memory. What's next? Lets overturn Nanavati vs. Maharashtra
and bring in the jurors. That way it will be a collective memory loss, and that would sell well.

But I can't disagree about Mr. Singh's vilification. I thought Beard Blue blew it too. I mean, he's is the freaking Prime Minister of India, and he spoke like cry-baby. An Indian citizen is being held for some ridiculuos reason and all he's got to say is 'Oh I feel sorry for his parents'. Stand up and be counted. Use the damn phone. Call people. I think you have people in your office who do that for you. DO something. And talk about that. Not about your sleepless night. So, I do agree with you Ms. Ghose.

We have problems. I agree. Justice was delayed. And as long as there are lawyers, there will always be the cries of justice being denied. 14 years is a long time for anyone. For Shaikh. For Khairulla. For Qureshi. For Memon. And for everyone who knew someone who died that day. 

But the intention was not to fill India's prisons with Muslims. Shaikh was treated innocent until proven guilty. So were most of them until Mr. Kode found reasons under law to call them criminals. And they can still get to the Supreme Court. And just as in the Parliament attack case, justice could rule in their favour this time. 

I am with you on what has been done with the Srikrishna Commission Report. But its not because the Hindu's of India that the Report has not been actioned upon by the people in power. It is because the of the people in power who want to keep the Memon's coming. Give unto us a Memon and we will give you more Shah Bano's. Its the duplicity, not the conspiracy at play here.

The conspiracy of silence was when Awasi called himself a muslim first, a MLA next and attacked Taslima - and no one said a word. 

Because, as long as there are Awasis and Memons, there will be people who will conspire to be silent in the hope that they can offer more Shah Bano's and forget about the Srikrishnas.

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